


this month feel so stress~

happen so many thing~~

but unless now~

i can cool down myself~


start from new life~

hope can be better~

^^ i can do it~ yeah~

dont care too much about other side~

just want to protect myself~ ^,^

the real life can be so easy~ cant be so simple ~

after  so many years,now i know~ so stupid~


ok~ i can do it~  a za a za fighting~~ @^,^@

                    *+------ Cat ------+*

 * Enjoy your life,be mature ~don‘t make other people life suck too ~ thank you~ ^^ * muackzzZ~ my fren~



我几久没update了~~~ xD



4月9号吗?忘了~ 哈哈哈

我和他,还有同事跑去马六甲~ 哈哈

1天2夜?还是2天1夜? 哈哈

拜六,下午2点多才去的~ 到那里也已经是蛮晚了~ 5,6点呱~

吃类似satay酱的*火锅*,哈哈,不会解释啊~ \(^o^)/~

我们9个人吃了差不多139支~~ 哈哈,所以结账时是RM139-00~

我们去Pasar Malam~~ 吃饱了的运动~ Shopping~~ ^^


注明一下~ 那间真的很不好玩咯~~ 不喜欢它的live band,不会唱的~ 滥竽充数的~~

它的DJ还好,哈哈,有播我喜欢的韩国歌~ 2NE1的Fire, Super Junior的Sorry sorry~

O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~~~ 播这2首歌的时候,还有点要疯了的~

结果又换回那个live band,又闷了~ 哈哈哈

因为全部人都觉得闷*除了那2位小姐*,我就吵回去了~ 哈哈

一回到酒店,冲了凉就睡到天亮了~ 哈哈,累~~ 到处跑的~ ^^

一早9点多~ 我们收拾东西放上同事的车~

然后吃早餐~~ 因为4月10号是我的同事Cyndi Ng 的生日~

吃了早餐,就去对面吃蛋糕~ 哈哈哈,几能吃咯~ 哈哈

在回家的路上又去芙蓉烧包城再吃~~哈哈哈,肥了咯~~ xD

吃虾~ 吃蟹~ 吃肉~ 哈哈
买了5粒烧包罢了~ 哈哈,山穷水尽啊~~~ 没变~ 哈哈

然后就回家了~ ^^

是很不错的trip~ 哈哈  不过,不能天天那么enjoy啦~ 肥死了~ 哈哈

前几天又因为一些有点无聊的东西,自己哭包~ 哈哈,很够力下咯~

然后哦~ 又没事了~~ 7线到~~~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈

今天早起来~ 得空,又想到久没Update我的blog了~

就来写写咯~ ^^ 呵呵

erm~~   差不多啦~ 大概这样先~~  过几天再来写写~ ^^

Enjoy your day~ ^^v




不要做会后悔的决定哦~ ^^

    本人突然想分享一下下罢了~ ^^

                                              *+------ Cat ------+*



i'm worry about you~

don't try to do stupid anything ~

don't make me crazy....

Belive it....

you are not alone...


so lazy to write blog~


long time don't have update already ~

this few week so many thing happen~~

got sad de,happy de,confuse de,pain de also got.....


so,i just no mood to update all the thing here....

something is happen,it's will be my experience...

i will remember it,not me *small gas*....

is painful to me,so i will can't forgive it....

if i can delete my memory....

i hope i can delete it....

don't want talk about this topic.... ^,^

not haPPy 1~

next topic~~~~

hahahahaha ~~ xD

                             yam cha~ ^^

nice o~ ^,^

this few day got go out with stephy chin chin ~~

and her * fren *~~~~  xD

just yesterday we eat ba gu tea at Jia Jia~ ^^

1st lei,she plan go the curve ~


something happen let she change plan jor~


we go Jia jia eat our supper~

she and her *fren* la~

me and him~ ^,^

so funny lo,that time~

like that feeling~

i like this colour~ ^,^

now all is better~

hope lucky to all that thing around me~ ^.^



my medicine~~~ T,T

Oh my god~~~

1 day eat 3 time~~~~

1 time 5 or 6 pill~~~

so hard to eat them ar~~~~~ >o<

see~  got 1 pill like a star~
Q~ ^^
whatever it's so hard to eat 1~ xD

but is *them* save me~~~

thank you 2~ ^,^

now is better than yesterday,but still sick la ~

just better only~~~


hope it faster go a way from me~

and anything bad 2~

good luck please come to find me and my fren~ ^^